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I am Sainey Dibba Chongan. I was born in a tiny west African nation called The Gambia. I currently live in The USA and have been for several years. Like many, I went to college to obtain a degree in business management. Post graduation, I got married and was blessed with a beautiful family. After some time. I found my “calling” in design and creation which has always been a big part of who I am since a very early age.

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M&S Designs was inspired by my mom. The brand was created in honor of my beloved parents Momodou & Sainabou. Our line is an attempt to cater to the everyday woman. Grace, Class and Beauty is our currency. While we strive to provide exceptional service, our motto remains absolute satisfaction with the highest quality custom made, hand crafted apparel for all women. We only use contemporary fabric that has been thoroughly
vetted and verified to be the best in the market for the ultimate delivery of quality over quantity.

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